Holy Outlaw: 400 ft. Fallen Alder Seep
Holy Outlaw: 400 ft. Fallen Alder Seep
Holy Outlaw: HWB Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: HWB Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: HWB Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: HWB Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: Central Valley Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: Central Valley Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: Root Ball in the stream
Holy Outlaw: Central Valley Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: Central Valley Subarea B, Seep bordering south loop social trail
Holy Outlaw: Big leaf maple seedling on an alder root ball.
Holy Outlaw: Big leaf maple seedling on an alder root ball.
Holy Outlaw: Ivy patch
Holy Outlaw: The 101 tree
Holy Outlaw: Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)
Holy Outlaw: Looking into the seep
Holy Outlaw: Looking into the seep
Holy Outlaw: Stewardship grant Eastern Boundary
Holy Outlaw: Stewardship Grant: Western Boundary
Holy Outlaw: Stewardship Grant: Sounthern Boundary