Holy Outlaw:
Establishing a transect line
Holy Outlaw:
Ocean Spray (Holodiscus discolor)
Holy Outlaw:
Close up of the flowers.
Holy Outlaw:
Transect line, threaded through the salmonberry.
Holy Outlaw:
Holy Outlaw:
Transect line
Holy Outlaw:
Skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum) seed berry
Holy Outlaw:
Mosses and fungi
Holy Outlaw:
Tall mannagrass (Glyceria elata) pannicles
Holy Outlaw:
Getting Ready
Holy Outlaw:
Setting the first plot
Holy Outlaw:
Taking notes
Holy Outlaw:
Holy Outlaw:
Moving on
Holy Outlaw:
Break time
Holy Outlaw:
View from the North Slope
Holy Outlaw:
North Slope
Holy Outlaw:
At the top of the slope.
Holy Outlaw:
The end of the trek