Holy Outlaw: Red alder bark
Holy Outlaw: Logging scar
Holy Outlaw: Cedar Stump
Holy Outlaw: Red huckleberry
Holy Outlaw: Roots
Holy Outlaw: Signing in
Holy Outlaw: Headwaters bowl
Holy Outlaw: Family group
Holy Outlaw: After
Holy Outlaw: The Tire II.
Holy Outlaw: The Tire.
Holy Outlaw: Mulching a tree.
Holy Outlaw: Before
Holy Outlaw: Donated Coffee
Holy Outlaw: Tools and buckets
Holy Outlaw: The first arrival!
Holy Outlaw: Another vital ingredient for work party success.
Holy Outlaw: Happily tagged and flagged
Holy Outlaw: Hemlock (l.) and Doug fir (r) with Western red-cedar in the middle
Holy Outlaw: About half the crew
Holy Outlaw: Sort of "before"
Holy Outlaw: Spot the volunteers!
Holy Outlaw: Cleared area
Holy Outlaw: Working together.
Holy Outlaw: Old nurse stump
Holy Outlaw: A big root
Holy Outlaw: The job ain't over till the paperwork is done!
Holy Outlaw: Tools at the work site
Holy Outlaw: Pretty mushrooms
Holy Outlaw: Disappearing into the brush