Holy Outlaw: Unloading the tools
Holy Outlaw: Pitchforks and Wheelbarrows
Holy Outlaw: Planning
Holy Outlaw: The crew!
Holy Outlaw: Explaining the Day
Holy Outlaw: The Group
Holy Outlaw: Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho
Holy Outlaw: Planting Demonstration
Holy Outlaw: Cleaning the mulch area
Holy Outlaw: The mulch starts arriving
Holy Outlaw: Planting
Holy Outlaw: Task switch
Holy Outlaw: Some trash
Holy Outlaw: Two Crews working
Holy Outlaw: Invasive Removal Crew
Holy Outlaw: Explaining the Afternoon
Holy Outlaw: Setting up the bucket brigade
Holy Outlaw: The end of the line
Holy Outlaw: Sending the mulch up the hill
Holy Outlaw: The day is done!
Holy Outlaw: What it looked like
Holy Outlaw: Wrap up meeting
Holy Outlaw: Carex sp.