Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Angela Marie Hinckley
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Ann Marie Gelles
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Barbara Sheahan
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Beatrice Ann Rojas
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Carol Bettencourt
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Carol Crater
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Carol Reichert
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Carole Pesce
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Carolyn Whited
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Diana Lynn White
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Dolores Freitas
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Dorothy Schmeddinghoff
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Elaine Marie Sanchez
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Geraldine Garbarino
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Jo Marie Arredondo
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Joan Litch
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Joan Marie Derry
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Judeana Davidson
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Kathleen Ann Garcia
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Kathleen Littrell
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister Loretta Marie Marbach
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Angela Persano
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Andrea Rangel
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Ann Schaeffer
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Aurora Perez
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Camilla Morris
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Caritas Foster
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Carmen Baca
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Charleen O'Brien
Sisters of the Holy Family:
Sister M. Christopher Schmidt