HolmesGirl: Hearst Castle, despite being in California, is built out of pieces of European castles and churches.
HolmesGirl: Hearst's vision was to recreate a small village surrounding a square. The main house looks like a church.
HolmesGirl: There are some views.
HolmesGirl: Views surrounded by impeccable gardens and landscaping.
HolmesGirl: Sure! Let's totally use palm trees as rose trellises! That's not horticultural overkill at all!
HolmesGirl: One of the terraces, with, naturally, a view.
HolmesGirl: Just a little ancient Egyptian statuary. It goes with the palm trees.
HolmesGirl: Cupid sans bow.
HolmesGirl: Random terrace with giant sculptural fountain.
HolmesGirl: More classical statuary.
HolmesGirl: View with bougainvillea.
HolmesGirl: That's probably an actual medieval window.
HolmesGirl: California live oaks are pretty awesome.
HolmesGirl: Detail of the grillwork on one of the guesthouses.
HolmesGirl: Cool black plant.
HolmesGirl: Privacy screen, just in case someone is on the next mountain over, I guess.
HolmesGirl: Outdoor pool. Very restrained.
HolmesGirl: Maybe they had so many statues they had to start making them into other things?
HolmesGirl: Mermaid statues, *in* the pool.
HolmesGirl: Statue with Princess Leia buns. (I took this photo for Claire.)
HolmesGirl: Another tower view. There are many angles because the place is so damn big.
HolmesGirl: Medieval painting with imported medieval church choir stalls.
HolmesGirl: Gigantic book of hymns, plus statues, vases, friezes, and tapestries. Very cozy.
HolmesGirl: Statue in a statue niche.
HolmesGirl: Solemn.
HolmesGirl: That looks uncomfortable.
HolmesGirl: Imported ceiling. Because why not?
HolmesGirl: All the modern amenities that the 1930s could provide.
HolmesGirl: Nice tapestry, you can apparently see its mate in the Louvre.
HolmesGirl: Movie room decor.