HolmesGirl: Big Sur overlook
HolmesGirl: Cliff top path
HolmesGirl: Going for a hike at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park
HolmesGirl: Grove
HolmesGirl: Creek
HolmesGirl: Excited to be out of the car
HolmesGirl: Obligatory pose in front of a giant redwood
HolmesGirl: Another required shot
HolmesGirl: Matching the scenery
HolmesGirl: Verdant
HolmesGirl: Waterfall (somewhat smaller than expected)
HolmesGirl: View from the summit
HolmesGirl: Tyla inside giant hollow redwood
HolmesGirl: View from the restaurant outside the park
HolmesGirl: Sunset