HolmesGirl: My nephew, in addition to looking just like my sister, has Sonic the Hedgehog hair.
HolmesGirl: Exploring the creek
HolmesGirl: Flock of seagulls
HolmesGirl: Mima & Claire in a fort
HolmesGirl: Mima & Jonah in the fort
HolmesGirl: Somebody doesn't want to get out of the fort
HolmesGirl: Wandering off
HolmesGirl: Good goalie form
HolmesGirl: Kids + sticks = happy
HolmesGirl: Mum explores ahead
HolmesGirl: Family + nature = happy
HolmesGirl: Unlike the ocean, it's actually safe to go in the creek
HolmesGirl: Jonah throws sticks and Claire fetches them
HolmesGirl: Of course it isn't long before the toddler wants to go swimming...
HolmesGirl: Giant driftwood pile
HolmesGirl: Cousins enjoying the fancy shopping cart.
HolmesGirl: "Hey, have you seen this goat?"
HolmesGirl: Kids + kid
HolmesGirl: Magnetically drawn to the climbing wall
HolmesGirl: Climbing
HolmesGirl: View from the top
HolmesGirl: It's hard to climb and keep your hat on at the same time
HolmesGirl: Focus
HolmesGirl: Blasé about the merry-go-round
HolmesGirl: No longer sure about the merry-go-round
HolmesGirl: Merry-go-round vetran
HolmesGirl: Hamming it up
HolmesGirl: ... and up...
HolmesGirl: Post-traumatic cuddles