HolmesBartonHolmes: West Baden Hotel
HolmesBartonHolmes: Sun Studios
HolmesBartonHolmes: West Baden Hotel
HolmesBartonHolmes: Satellite TV Now Available!
HolmesBartonHolmes: Old advertisement.
HolmesBartonHolmes: Small building replaces big building.
HolmesBartonHolmes: Blue and White
HolmesBartonHolmes: Electric wall
HolmesBartonHolmes: Partially torn down auto factory
HolmesBartonHolmes: Very tidy building.
HolmesBartonHolmes: Luxor Restaurant
HolmesBartonHolmes: Downtown Indy
HolmesBartonHolmes: Old Bridge
HolmesBartonHolmes: Queen Mary
HolmesBartonHolmes: Skyscraper
HolmesBartonHolmes: Fire Escape
HolmesBartonHolmes: Over-The-Rhine
HolmesBartonHolmes: Arch detail
HolmesBartonHolmes: Hill's Cobbler
HolmesBartonHolmes: Street Light
HolmesBartonHolmes: I Don't Have To Go Anymore
HolmesBartonHolmes: Because Yellow Is A Flattering Color
HolmesBartonHolmes: Not Enough Communication
HolmesBartonHolmes: Between Buildings
HolmesBartonHolmes: Please Do Not Block the Door