Hollywood North: Chocolate Santa on the hotel room pillow
Hollywood North: Delicious Schneeballe (snowball-shaped treats!)
Hollywood North: Christmas-y window display at night
Hollywood North: Christian, Melina and Sergey
Hollywood North: Warming up with some hot mulled wine
Hollywood North: Main street
Hollywood North: View from the tower on top of city hall
Hollywood North: Love the red-tiled roofs
Hollywood North: Red tiles as far as the eye can see
Hollywood North: Russian graffiti + random stereotypes
Hollywood North: Christmas tree in the town centre
Hollywood North: Japanese tourists everywhere
Hollywood North: View from the outside
Hollywood North: Where the castle used to stand
Hollywood North: View of the town from outside the wall
Hollywood North: Me and Sergey
Hollywood North: Melina and Sergey
Hollywood North: Historic centre
Hollywood North: Me and Melina. Reunited again!
Hollywood North: Me laughing at something ridiculous Sergey said
Hollywood North: Love the red shutters
Hollywood North: Walking on top of the stone wall
Hollywood North: View of the stone wall that rings the town
Hollywood North: Representing Germany, Bulgaria and Brazil
Hollywood North: Cute house
Hollywood North: Very symetrical
Hollywood North: Houses and church
Hollywood North: Red roofs
Hollywood North: Love the steep roofs
Hollywood North: Tour buses all in a row