Hollywood North: Nov. 27 conference of the youth
Hollywood North: Jean Paul & Lauren, YOUNGO focal points at the Conference of the Youth
Hollywood North: This cheeky guy told me to take a picture of him and then tell my family this was my "South African husband."
Hollywood North: Young person dressed up as a happy windmill
Hollywood North: Youth strategy meeting
Hollywood North: The Earth Child Institute booth
Hollywood North: Scouts care about climate change
Hollywood North: Girl Guides!
Hollywood North: The I (heart) 1.5 tie campaign
Hollywood North: Earth Child Institute mini-side event
Hollywood North: Drawing a crowd
Hollywood North: The Canadian Wildlife Federation
Hollywood North: Canadian youth standing up against the tar sands (hooray!)
Hollywood North: Ella Bella
Hollywood North: Looking at the world through green-coloured glasses
Hollywood North: The way kids see the world
Hollywood North: UNFCCC publications on youth activities
Hollywood North: The UN Youth Booth (technically the UNFCCC booth)
Hollywood North: Chris from Canada
Hollywood North: Gettin' it done
Hollywood North: One of the many mini-side events for youth
Hollywood North: Media tent
Hollywood North: Between the exhibition centre and the convention centre
Hollywood North: Sleepy journalist
Hollywood North: Taking a break in the media tent
Hollywood North: A journalist with South Africa's national broadcaster
Hollywood North: Booths at the exhibition centre
Hollywood North: Cafe inside the exhibition centre
Hollywood North: General awesomeness
Hollywood North: Daily security screening to get into the conference