Hollywood North: Hilary and a giant parking lot
Hollywood North: At the foot of Bay Street
Hollywood North: Who says Toronto is ugly?
Hollywood North: Marni on the ferry
Hollywood North: The view from across the water
Hollywood North: I heart Toronto!
Hollywood North: On Ward's Island
Hollywood North: Marni, Sarah and Toronto
Hollywood North: One of many cute houses on Ward's Island
Hollywood North: Wild gardens rule!
Hollywood North: My future home
Hollywood North: Enjoying the cool breeze off Lake Ontario
Hollywood North: The boardwalk on Centre Island
Hollywood North: A map of Toronto Island Park
Hollywood North: The beach. So pretty, yet so polluted
Hollywood North: People actually swimming in Lake Ontario
Hollywood North: Marni taking in the view
Hollywood North: Old-timey ride at Centreville
Hollywood North: Pretty Toronto
Hollywood North: Me and Hilary on our way to the MTV studios
Hollywood North: Riding the rocket
Hollywood North: I like the way the TTC smells
Hollywood North: MTV studios
Hollywood North: On our way to see the After Show with Dan and Jessi
Hollywood North: The After Show
Hollywood North: As close to Dan and Jessi as I got
Hollywood North: Seconds before the storm hit
Hollywood North: Moments before the tornado
Hollywood North: Seeking shelter from the storm in a subway station
Hollywood North: Rainbow