Hollywood North: The Plan: Part I
Hollywood North: The Plan: Part II
Hollywood North: Setting off on Day 1 from my Japanese mom's house. Just like a real mom, she wasn't sure I'd be able to do it
Hollywood North: On my way
Hollywood North: So long Sakawa
Hollywood North: Tunnel ahead
Hollywood North: It's a tunnel
Hollywood North: A tunnel
Hollywood North: One of many tunnels
Hollywood North: Toilet
Hollywood North: Mid-morning snack bought at a roadside sushi stall
Hollywood North: Snack break
Hollywood North: A small town in Kochi-ken
Hollywood North: Empty roads
Hollywood North: On the road
Hollywood North: Somewhere in Kochi-ken
Hollywood North: Cold beer or hot coffee?
Hollywood North: There are vending machines everywhere in Japan. Even in the middle of nowhere
Hollywood North: Lunch, donated by a kind stranger
Hollywood North: A woman on a scooter gave me her lunch
Hollywood North: I kept my water bottles in my basket. It worked well. Except for when I hit a bump and they would go flying all over the road
Hollywood North: A road
Hollywood North: Me and a mirror. All alone so I have no one to take pictures of me
Hollywood North: Hanging your laundry out to dry
Hollywood North: I forget the name of this river
Hollywood North: Guest house at Tosa-Iwahara
Hollywood North: Near the Iya Valley
Hollywood North: Leaving Tosa-Iwahara
Hollywood North: Snaking my way up the mountain