HollyRuthven: European Peacock Butterfly (Inachis io)
HollyRuthven: Worker Wasp
HollyRuthven: Queen red-tailed bumble bee (Bombus lapidarius)
HollyRuthven: Garden orb spider
HollyRuthven: Tarantula up-close
HollyRuthven: Small Copper Butterfly
HollyRuthven: R.I.P Johnny the Peacock Praying Mantis (Pseudempusa pinnapavonis)
HollyRuthven: False black widow
HollyRuthven: Portrait of Johnny
HollyRuthven: Johnny
HollyRuthven: Latest member to the family, Johnny!
HollyRuthven: Bee fly - Bombylius major
HollyRuthven: Fungus weevil (Platyrhinus resinosus)
HollyRuthven: Speckled Wood - Pararge aegeria
HollyRuthven: Hoverfly's compound eyes
HollyRuthven: Harlequin ladybird
HollyRuthven: Hoverfly feeding
HollyRuthven: Flower Beetles (Oedemera nobilis)