Holly*: Kel and Jase
Holly*: Amara
Holly*: looking at Jase
Holly*: sleeping baby
Holly*: styrofoam everywhere! (1)
Holly*: styrofoam everywhere!
Holly*: Amara feeding Jase
Holly*: Maia at her Christmas program
Holly*: playing (1)
Holly*: playing (2)
Holly*: playing
Holly*: Barbie riding Shilo
Holly*: throwing snow at the window
Holly*: throwing snow at the window (1)
Holly*: making cookies with Mama (1)
Holly*: making cookies with Mama (2)
Holly*: making cookies with Mama (3)
Holly*: making cookies with Mama
Holly*: beater girls (1)
Holly*: beater girls
Holly*: flour everywhere (1)
Holly*: flour everywhere (2)
Holly*: flour everywhere
Holly*: Amara's favorite meal for Birthday
Holly*: Amara's fave meal
Holly*: Amara's fave meal (1)
Holly*: mesmerizing card
Holly*: from the Mamas and Maia
Holly*: a Percy flashlight (1)
Holly*: a Percy flashlight (2)