Holly*: start with a piece of cloth
Holly*: pick the tape you want to use
Holly*: turn it over and tape it down
Holly*: lay your tape down as you wish
Holly*: flip it over and cut the edges
Holly*: lay tape sticky side up to tape the side seams
Holly*: tape the seams
Holly*: from the outside, push the corners in so it looks like this
Holly*: push corners in so it looks like this
Holly*: I taped the inside corners down
Holly*: Fold tape around the top edge
Holly*: fold the strap in thirds
Holly*: I want my strap to be 2 colors
Holly*: I joined the strap with some dots
Holly*: stick a magnet
Holly*: cover the magnets with tape and then it sticks
Holly*: the finished product!
Holly*: the finished product! (1)