Holly*: Margaret made her Grandma's homemade chocolate ake
Holly*: Holly made rhubarb cake
Holly*: playing in the living room
Holly*: playing in the living room (1)
Holly*: Kimberly and Tomilyn
Holly*: playing in the living room (2)
Holly*: Holly and Brian
Holly*: Grandpa Martin being silly
Holly*: Tomilyn and Kimberly
Holly*: Pletzer
Holly*: Kelli Yates
Holly*: Jaxson
Holly*: Maia wrestling Josh
Holly*: Craig Hurda
Holly*: our springtime mantle
Holly*: Dana Hurda
Holly*: Leah
Holly*: Violet
Holly*: Amara and Mama
Holly*: Holly and her Dad
Holly*: Martin and Mom
Holly*: Lydia and Dana
Holly*: singing Happy Birthday to Amara (1)
Holly*: singing Happy Birthday to Amara (2)
Holly*: singing Happy Birthday to Amara (3)
Holly*: Violet Moore
Holly*: Blowing out the Birthday candle!
Holly*: Blowing out the Birthday candle! (1)
Holly*: Blowing out the Birthday candle! (2)
Holly*: She'd rather have a Cheeto.