hollygressley: philly car share
hollygressley: the dental pavilion sign
hollygressley: this barber shop on south street
hollygressley: shepard fairey obama poster
hollygressley: space 1026
hollygressley: screenprinting
hollygressley: screenprinting
hollygressley: lots of screenprinting
hollygressley: 235 S 45th Street, my old apartment. Pete Tressler, my old roommate
hollygressley: more pete, more 45th street
hollygressley: Spruce Hill Community Association storefront
hollygressley: Abyssinia — I used to live across the street
hollygressley: Abyssinia, Ethopian food
hollygressley: jukeboxes with african music
hollygressley: abyssinia dining room
hollygressley: Fiume, above Abyssinia
hollygressley: fiume, my favorite bar in the whole world
hollygressley: this spider in fiume
hollygressley: watusi pub
hollygressley: porches on rowhouses
hollygressley: dalak, another ethiopian restaurant; also abby's desert lounge
hollygressley: the hall of mirrors, which connects dalak's dining room with the secret bar in the back
hollygressley: scary, dangerous street maintence
hollygressley: i almost died / broke my leg in this sewer hole
hollygressley: The word "jawn"
hollygressley: DSCF3873.JPG
hollygressley: the word jawn