hollowcorpse: Prepared!
hollowcorpse: Gear up!
hollowcorpse: 轉職中
hollowcorpse: 職人練習中
hollowcorpse: 好淡的蛋黃...
hollowcorpse: Creep Egg
hollowcorpse: 超水...
hollowcorpse: 義大利麵達人
hollowcorpse: 顏色有像喔~
hollowcorpse: Creamy!
hollowcorpse: Ahh!!!! Don't poke me in the eye!!!!
hollowcorpse: 美食達人的堅持
hollowcorpse: Gun slayer!
hollowcorpse: 都漲起來了
hollowcorpse: 來來來, 試試看
hollowcorpse: 裡面變麻糬了...
hollowcorpse: Queen's Head
hollowcorpse: 好了好了!!
hollowcorpse: 終於比較像樣!! That's more like it.
hollowcorpse: 桌子賣力擦
hollowcorpse: I can see me on the Table!!