Hollis Johnson: ...came in?
Hollis Johnson: Prufrock; 4, 25
Hollis Johnson: Deception of the thrush
Hollis Johnson: A faultless machine
Hollis Johnson: A place of disaffection
Hollis Johnson: Faded air
Hollis Johnson: American Lo-fi
Hollis Johnson: A bloom more sudden
Hollis Johnson: I do not know much about gods
Hollis Johnson: Defenceless under the night
Hollis Johnson: A sort of homecoming
Hollis Johnson: Bursts in the violet air
Hollis Johnson: The Double Vision of Michael Robartes
Hollis Johnson: Into the ethical life
Hollis Johnson: Human kind cannot bear
Hollis Johnson: Enchain'd a certain time
Hollis Johnson: Of all the streets
Hollis Johnson: The devil of the stairs
Hollis Johnson: In headaches and in worry
Hollis Johnson: The Boston Evening Transcript
Hollis Johnson: "My nerves are bad to-night."
Hollis Johnson: With an easy span
Hollis Johnson: Oh! You pretty things!
Hollis Johnson: You dozed, and watched the night