Holishift: Phillip and Kim Chee
Holishift: Ross and Kim Chee serving smoothies
Holishift: Breakfast at Four Elements Farm
Holishift: Bike Sumo at the Bike Happening!
Holishift: 10th Anniversay - Prom night
Holishift: YUM Surfing with Princess Holland
Holishift: Gizmo - founder of the Bike Happening in SLO
Holishift: Swarming at the Bike Happening!
Holishift: Fun making smoothies
Holishift: Longbike Jamboree at Bellvue Santa Fe Charter School
Holishift: Youngsters of the holishift
Holishift: Dasha on the trapeze
Holishift: Longbike mania after school