John Jay Howard: Tiny Blooms I
John Jay Howard: Tiny Blooms II
John Jay Howard: Red Aster
John Jay Howard: Yellow Aster
John Jay Howard: Shells I
John Jay Howard: Yellow Aster
John Jay Howard: Shells from Sanibel
John Jay Howard: Tiny Blooms III
John Jay Howard: Swallowtail on butterfly bush
John Jay Howard: Rain drops
John Jay Howard: Hanging Out
John Jay Howard: HighPowerLines in the Mist
John Jay Howard: The Herb Garden
John Jay Howard: Titmouse
John Jay Howard: Butterfly on our Apple Blossoms
John Jay Howard: Apple Blossom
John Jay Howard: We feed the birds too!
John Jay Howard: It’s Fall Y’all!
John Jay Howard: ‘Cuz She’s just so Doggone cute!
John Jay Howard: Emotional Sky?
John Jay Howard: Just before I could sit down, he landed on my chair!
John Jay Howard: Season’s Last Show…
John Jay Howard: Moon, Clouds and Reflection
John Jay Howard: Airplane hiding in plain sight.
John Jay Howard: Mountain Laurel
John Jay Howard: Dragonfly on Broom Handle