Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Hickory Tussock Moth caterpillar??
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Hi-stepping Phil
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Oops, Mary dropped a bad of laundry!
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Walt enjoys a tranquil moment with the paint tin
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Ayla and Phyllis push down a tree!
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Fearless leader Sue examines the Bilge stairs
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Eric is that you??
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Jo takes to organizing the Bosun's Locker
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Ah, one of two great sunsets
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Eric trying to capture the sunset!!
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Heaven on Hog Island
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Eric pulls in the tide mark
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Guillemot walking on water
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Phil "Not another picture"?!
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Blankets airing and blowing in the wind
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Pillows airing and resting on the hammock
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Mary admires Helen's handiwork in the garden
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
More blankets and pillows blowing in the wind
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Sue blown over by the wind!
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Helen enjoys the scenery
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Noah and Betty visit for lunch
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Robert - handy at the Hobart
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Eric waiting for Godot
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Helen, Jo, Loretta, and Mary deep in conversation
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Libby sees a bird
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Walt catches 40 winks while the blankets blow in the wind
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Betty, Juanita, Sue, and Noah
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Noah and Betty
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
Betty and Noah leave after a memorable visit
Friends-of-Hog-Island (FOHI):
A champagne toast