Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: overpower_ambient
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Orchid-branding-action
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Orchid_strobist-3
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Orchid_strobist-2
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Orchid_strobist-1
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Cornwall_Jan09_Pampas
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Remains of the day
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Another flower thingy
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Beautiful files - D200
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: velvia preset for NX2
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Waiting for the photocopier...
Paul Hodgson @ Box of Frogs: Berries - beyond that, not a clue just liked the colours and texture. And taken with old trusty crusty D200.