kostya kent: Georgian winemaker
kostya kent: Coast of the White Sea.
kostya kent: Coast of the White Sea.
kostya kent: Village Dalniye Zelentsy, Kola Peninsula
kostya kent: Kuzomen' village. Murmansk Oblast
kostya kent: Mt. Kazbegi. Georgia.
kostya kent: Meteo Station (Bethlemi Hut), 3560m
kostya kent: Small part of the coast of Lake Ladoga
kostya kent: Alexey & the Gear
kostya kent: is it really you?
kostya kent: View of mountains of East Caucasus
kostya kent: The Georgian old Man from the coast of the Black Sea
kostya kent: View of the Alazani valley. Georgia
kostya kent: Georgian Shashlik-Mashlik pt.1
kostya kent: Narzan springs on the Georgian Military Road
kostya kent: Sabertse Pass (2800 m)
kostya kent: Meteo Station (Bethlemi Hut), 3560m
kostya kent: Village Dalniye Zelentsy, Kola Peninsula
kostya kent: Coast of the Barents Sea
kostya kent: Coast of the Barents Sea
kostya kent: Ловозерские
kostya kent: Ловозерские
kostya kent: Ловозерские., неподалеку от оз. Светлое
kostya kent: "White Noise" Festival. Čuuppa vl. Karelia
kostya kent: Сейдозеро
kostya kent: Сейдозеро