- Hob -: Composite tool
- Hob -: 64 LEDs
- Hob -: BlinkM DIY programmable LED stick
- Hob -: Triple cathode stick
- Hob -: DIY flash release cable
- Hob -: City Lites tool
- Hob -: Prior to a LP session on the field.
- Hob -: New LEDs
- Hob -: Laser spiro projector
- Hob -: My light toys wot I do use
- Hob -: Unused stuff
- Hob -: Casualties
- Hob -: Digital Light Hoop
- Hob -: Tools of the trade
- Hob -: IMG_9565
- Hob -: Orb tool
- Hob -: LED specs
- Hob -: DIY Faux V24
- Hob -: Warm white 12V LEDs
- Hob -: White cold cathode
- Hob -: IMG_7525
- Hob -: VIDEO0066
- Hob -: Bespoke toolage
- Hob -: Freshly wired
- Hob -: Lost tool
- Hob -: New RGB sticks
- Hob -: Two by two, LEDs of blue.
- Hob -: Addressable handheld stick.
- Hob -: IMG_0249
- Hob -: 12V lightpainting tools