- Hob -: Pavillion Orb
- Hob -: Howdon gut bridge spiral
- Hob -: Eye of the Culvert
- Hob -: Culvertising
- Hob -: Electroluminescent tree installed
- Hob -: Cathodes in an underground car park
- Hob -: Liminal Space installation
- Hob -: Pumphouse orb & ribbons
- Hob -: Culvert wiggly orb
- Hob -: Eden Colliery air vent
- Hob -: Blue & Red Bungalow
- Hob -: White DLW Bungalow
- Hob -: 3 cathodes
- Hob -: Pipes of old
- Hob -: Blue in Red
- Hob -: Haverthwaite muddy tunnel
- Hob -: Tunnel of Doom
- Hob -: Sea Cave Spiral
- Hob -: Derwent Bonus Tunnel
- Hob -: Cold storage spirals
- Hob -: Castle Garth
- Hob -: Swansong of a 350D
- Hob -: Holy Cross porch fire orb
- Hob -: Hole in the wall
- Hob -: Orb in the trees
- Hob -: Wallsend Civic Hall
- Hob -: Civic Hall Porch
- Hob -: Cymraic Chapel
- Hob -: Brewery 8971
- Hob -: Foxcote churchyard