Hobobiker: 2013-02-03 hobobikers visiting the Budda Cave
Hobobiker: DSC-_a00000043
Hobobiker: DSC01481 Nancy's horrible mud bike
Hobobiker: DSC02005 westport drawing
Hobobiker: DSC01462 Nancy coming out of tunnel on Chuquicara to Yuracmarca road
Hobobiker: DSC02758 Entering Bolivia
Hobobiker: nancy and randy on tandem
Hobobiker: 2012-10-28 10.52.21 Randy and Nancy on tandem Riding out DS road from Glade Park best
Hobobiker: 2012-07-09 BEST Nancy and Randy on Tandem with Bob cropped
Hobobiker: 2013-02-01 Phong, Nancy and Randy inside local template'
Hobobiker: 2013-02-02 nancy with Karen Hill tribe vendor
Hobobiker: 2013-02-03 cross cultural photo
Hobobiker: 2012-08-15 12.39.00 Nancy painting at Waterton on a rainy day best.00
Hobobiker: Townsite Camping in Waterton Lakes Park
Hobobiker: DSC07763 Crossing continental divide in Yellowstone. Randy and Nancy with Tandem
Hobobiker: DSC07489 nancy painting at monet garden in giverny
Hobobiker: nancy painting in the monument
Hobobiker: 2013-02-02 best Randy and Nancy with bikes
Hobobiker: 2013-02-04 Backroad shortcut
Hobobiker: 2013-02-03 Nancy and Randy in front of guest house in Ruammit, Thailand