Hobobiker: DSC02583
Hobobiker: DSC02587
Hobobiker: DSC02588
Hobobiker: DSC02596 On the way to San Rafael
Hobobiker: Nancy overlooking san marcos
Hobobiker: DSC02619 Riding the back roads of Nicaragua
Hobobiker: DSC02631 Getting muddy on the backroads of Nicaragua
Hobobiker: DSC02634 too slick to ride
Hobobiker: DSC02641 All the beautiful hills between Matiguas and Rio Blanco
Hobobiker: DSC02654 Lots of poor people in Nicaragua
Hobobiker: DSC02666 Hiking with Fadir the APLV Environmental Engineer
Hobobiker: DSC02694 Inside the Cerro Musul protected area
Hobobiker: DSC02713 Fadir - environmental engineer for APLV in the Cerro Musul protected area, one of his favorite places
Hobobiker: DSC02721 the APLV house where we stayed in Rio Blanco
Hobobiker: DSC02722 The street where we stayed with the APLV house in Rio Blanco
Hobobiker: DSC02728 La Enea works at the water source - APLV project in the making
Hobobiker: DSC02734 APLV graphics that show how a water system works
Hobobiker: DSC02746 Electric generating plant at river crossing to Monte de Cristo
Hobobiker: Volcano view at Ometepe island
Hobobiker: Randy and Nancy on volcano at Ometepe Island
Hobobiker: Ometepe volcano
Hobobiker: DSC03039 Boats on Ometepe
Hobobiker: DSC03038 Volcano on Ometepe
Hobobiker: DSC03046 Our Chilean friend Laura Manda getting waiting for the ferry to San Carlos
Hobobiker: DSC03045 Our Chilean friend Carlos Diaz waiting for the ferry to San Carlos
Hobobiker: DSC03036 Boat on Ometepe
Hobobiker: DSC03049 Loading the ferry for San Carlos - bikes are being buried
Hobobiker: DSC03048 Loading the Lake Nicaragua ferry for San Carlos - Our bikes are being buried