Hobobiker: DSC03545 Zacatecas cathedral view
Hobobiker: DSC03577 Zacatecas street band playing Woof-woof-woof to the dog barking up on the balcony
Hobobiker: DSC03578 Zacatecas fireworks
Hobobiker: DSC03579 Zacatecas fireworks
Hobobiker: DSC03580 Fireworks over the Zacatecas cathedral
Hobobiker: DSC03587 Kids selling their creations at Palm Sunday in Zacatecas
Hobobiker: DSC03588 Palm Sunday sales in front of the cathedral
Hobobiker: DSC03607 Museum that was an old convent
Hobobiker: DSC03611 Beautiful old buildings everywhere
Hobobiker: DSC03630 Traditional dancers - Zacatecas
Hobobiker: DSC03641 Food stands - the only way to eat
Hobobiker: DSC03651 Traditional dancers in Zacatecas
Hobobiker: DSC03656 Traditional dancer in Zacatecas
Hobobiker: DSC03662 Traditional dancers in Zacatecas
Hobobiker: DSC03667 Traditional music in Zacatecas
Hobobiker: DSC03674 Zacatecas night scene
Hobobiker: DSC03677 Our Spanish class at the school
Hobobiker: DSC03691 Crucifixion re-enactment in Zacatecas - not on the tourist selection
Hobobiker: DSC03697 Looking down on Zacatecas
Hobobiker: DSC03726 Hooded marchers in Procession of Silence
Hobobiker: DSC03727 Hats for sale in Jerez - if you don't have one of these you're nobody
Hobobiker: DSC03728 Jerez Cowboys
Hobobiker: DSC03734 Bullfight in Jerez
Hobobiker: DSC03739 Bullfight in Jerez