Hobobiker: 100_0897 At the Guatemala border
Hobobiker: DSCF0464 Huehuetenango market scene
Hobobiker: DSCF0472 going to totos santos looking down at huehue
Hobobiker: DSCF0488 market at todos santos
Hobobiker: 100_0907 nancy riding on the way to quiche
Hobobiker: DSCF0500 from aquacatan to sacapulas
Hobobiker: DSCF0509 river valley near sacapulas
Hobobiker: DSCF0512 randy riding in the highland of guatemala
Hobobiker: DSCF0517 randy along the way
Hobobiker: 100_0915 STEEP Guatemala mountains! (We just climbed this)
Hobobiker: DSCF0523 is this really this steep-Yes
Hobobiker: DSCF0526 Randy riding to quiche
Hobobiker: 100_0917 beautiful shy in the highland
Hobobiker: DSCF0532 new friends along the way
Hobobiker: DSCF0535 we reached the top
Hobobiker: 100_0920 nancy finds road kill
Hobobiker: DSCF0553 Mayan worship place on top of hill at Chichicastenango
Hobobiker: DSCF0578 Chichicastenango church on market day
Hobobiker: 100_0924 Morning mist leaving Chichicastenango
Hobobiker: 100_0931 Climbing out of the canyon by Chichicastenango
Hobobiker: 100_0951 Randy and Nancy overlooking Lake Atitlan in Guatemala
Hobobiker: DSCF0603 Arriving at the Friendship Bridge office in Panajachel