Hobobiker: DSCF0646
Hobobiker: DSCF0728
Hobobiker: DSCF0748
Hobobiker: 100_1058
Hobobiker: 100_1117
Hobobiker: DSCF0960
Hobobiker: DSCF0973
Hobobiker: DSCF0974
Hobobiker: DSCF0975
Hobobiker: DSCF0995 Berta Pelico Poz
Hobobiker: DSCF1008 Catarina Garcia Chun
Hobobiker: DSCF1037 Lidia Chavez Otori
Hobobiker: 100_1144 Maria Mercedes Mejilla Garcia
Hobobiker: DSCF1069 Magdalena Santos
Hobobiker: 100_1150 Cornelia Cipriana, selling snacks to the schoolchildren in Llano de Pinal
Hobobiker: DSCF1101 Daughter of a member, trying to keep tabs on what's going on
Hobobiker: DSCF1160 Elena Martina Ceto Brito
Hobobiker: DSCF1172 Juana Chel Marcos showing us her store
Hobobiker: DSCF1180 Juana Solis Cedillo, Nebaj
Hobobiker: DSCF1196 Maria Cedillo Ceto weaving
Hobobiker: 100_1204 Juana Corio with her kids in Nebaj - before she got dressed up to go out
Hobobiker: 100_1209 Juana Corio's kids at the door to their place
Hobobiker: 100_1213 Maria Tipaz Ramirez, Nebaj
Hobobiker: 100_1219 Maria Tipaz Ramirez and daughter in front of their little store
Hobobiker: DSCF1239 Rosa Marcos Cedilla, one month from her high school diploma
Hobobiker: 100_1254 Nancy pushing her bike up to an interview near Nebaj
Hobobiker: 100_1258
Hobobiker: DSCF1258 maria brito bernal near Nebaj
Hobobiker: 100_1260 Maria Brito Bernal near Nebaj
Hobobiker: Women of San Francisco Javier