Hobobiker: Entering Guatemala
Hobobiker: Every rock a campaign poster
Hobobiker: Market in Huehuetenango
Hobobiker: Going to totos santos looking down at huehue (from bus)
Hobobiker: Market at todos santos
Hobobiker: 100_0907 nancy riding on the way to quiche
Hobobiker: Mountain scenery - leaving Chichicastenango
Hobobiker: From aquacatan to sacapulas
Hobobiker: Looking down from the heights
Hobobiker: River valley near sacapulas
Hobobiker: Randy riding in the highlands of guatemala
Hobobiker: DSCF0516
Hobobiker: DSCF0517 randy along the way
Hobobiker: 100_0915 STEEP Guatemala mountains! (We just climbed this)
Hobobiker: Is this really this steep-Yes
Hobobiker: Riding to Quiché from Sacapulas (Guatemala)
Hobobiker: Beautiful sky in the highlands
Hobobiker: New friends along the way
Hobobiker: We reached the top
Hobobiker: Nancy finds road kill
Hobobiker: The Idol at the top of the Hill in Chichicastenango
Hobobiker: Market day in Chichicastenango
Hobobiker: Mountain Morning Mists in the HIghlands
Hobobiker: More stinking hills.
Hobobiker: Lake Atitlan
Hobobiker: Arriving at Lake Atitlán
Hobobiker: Lake Atitlan
Hobobiker: Arriving at the Friendship Bridge Office in Panajachel
Hobobiker: Mural in San Juan
Hobobiker: Fishing guide in San Juan