Hobobiker: Tula refinery at its best
Hobobiker: Soccer field near Juchitan
Hobobiker: Trash on the road near Juchitan
Hobobiker: Zocalo in Juchitan
Hobobiker: French Pan-Am Runners Matthieu and Ludo
Hobobiker: DSCF0246 Randy With Iris and Ludo and Matthieu for the last time before the climb
Hobobiker: Chiapas mountains
Hobobiker: 100_0856 Chiapas Mountains
Hobobiker: Mountains again! Into Chiapas
Hobobiker: Chiapas mountains
Hobobiker: Quiet road in Chiapas mountains
Hobobiker: Pigeons on Hidelgo
Hobobiker: River outside Chiapa de Corzo
Hobobiker: Canon de Sumifero in Chiapas
Hobobiker: Randy on the boat in the Canyon in Chiapas
Hobobiker: Church and town in Chiapa de Corzo
Hobobiker: Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque
Hobobiker: Canon del Sumidero, Chiapas
Hobobiker: River outside Chiapa de Corzo
Hobobiker: Pigeons on Hidelgo's Statue
Hobobiker: Women cooking dinner for us in Zinacantán
Hobobiker: Cute native couple with traditional Zinacantán wedding
Hobobiker: Zinacantán weavers - Maria and Teresa and Lupita
Hobobiker: Palenque: Temple of the Inscriptions
Hobobiker: Palenque - Temple of the Inscriptions
Hobobiker: Palenque - the jungle closes in
Hobobiker: Palenque
Hobobiker: DSCF0380
Hobobiker: Palenque
Hobobiker: Misol-Ha Falls