MDAD1961: Shoveler
pete ware: not so satisfying
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Great Gray Owl. Central Alberta.
David Hall DRH Photography: The Cafe Collection
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Woodland Kingfisher
Jim Teske: Barn and Silo - Minnesota Landscape Arboretum - Chanhassen, Minnesota
SASPhotography67: Wood Duck Wednesday…
Rayladur: Tétras du Canada - Spruce Grouse
philippe.s.: A Blue-headed Vireo, surveying its surroundings
philippe.s.: A Red-eyed Vireo, giving me that very determined look…
philippe.s.: A Brown Thrasher, a bird with an oversized personality
philippe.s.: A Brown Creeper, at its very best
ChicagoBob46: This was May but looked more like November
Matts__Pics: The Correl Glen
renatecamin: in the grass
renatecamin: Visit in the evening
nomoredarkroom: Carolina Wren
Sylvie M M: Un brin de réconfort
VRS WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY: Red squirrel Northumberland
andriot.jac: Bécasseau variable
VRS WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY: Barn owl roost Northumberland
kizbura: Lupo grigio appenninico (Canis lupus italicus )
kizbura: Crociere ( Loxia curvirostra )
ElectroClown: Boo-Boo
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Grive à joues grises / Grey-cheeked Thrush / (Catharus minimus)