hmillington: Toa Jaller
hmillington: A slightly more realistic container crane
hmillington: Jousting Knight
hmillington: A proper sized mech for Ryo
hmillington: Container forklift: modification of set 7992
hmillington: Container forklift: modification of set 7992
hmillington: Container forklift: modification of set 7992
hmillington: Mecha-Bug 3
hmillington: 6x scale minifig based on James Sutton's
hmillington: Articulating the hips
hmillington: Articulating the hips
hmillington: Articulating the hips
hmillington: Brown sandcrawler
hmillington: Road standard
hmillington: Road standard
hmillington: Bike in mirror
hmillington: Terror in Tabletown
hmillington: Another giant ant scene from IJ & TKOTCS
hmillington: Power Miners mash-up #3
hmillington: Power Miners mash-up #2
hmillington: Power Miners mash-up #1
hmillington: Medieval Market Square diorama
hmillington: Models made with black NXT brick
hmillington: Models made with black NXT brick
hmillington: Models made with black NXT brick
hmillington: Models made with black NXT brick
hmillington: Models made with black NXT brick
hmillington: Models made with black NXT brick
hmillington: Can you identify this guy?
hmillington: 1237 Honda Asimo