Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: White-breasted Nuthatch
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Red-Tailed Hawk after dining on squirrel
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Red-Tailed Hawk after a squirrel meal
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Out and about Windsor’s West Side with Jojo
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Out and about Windsor’s West Side with Jojo
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Great Blue Heron at Malden Park
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Black-crowned Night Heron
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Spotted Sandpiper
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: White Breasted Nuthatch
Ray Akey - TY FOR 44M VIEWS!: May 5, 2018 - White-throated Sparrow