Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Finn gets a little impatient while waiting
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Leaving the back HMCPL dock...
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Decorating the side of the truck
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Decorating the back of the truck
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Ready Reader Wreathed (say that five times fast)
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Getting ready for the big march
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: HMCPL's favorite Derby Girl
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Mrs. Claus and the Huntsville Havoc Mascot
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Mrs. Claus loves Ready Readers
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: The Parade was a little bit too much excitement for some
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: The limited edition HMCPL staff shirts, created especially for the Parade.
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: HMCPL enters downtown Huntsville
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: The beginning of our march
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: A pause in the parade, downtown Huntsville
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Our marchers pausing in the Historical Huntsville area
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Feeling festive, even though it was FREEZING!
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Ready Reader Van rolling down the road
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Merry Christmas from HMCPL!
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Our banner leaders, Beth and Amy
Huntsville Madison County Public Library: Roary makes friend with the local Huntsville Havoc mascot.