hmacdanel: Daddy and his litle girl
hmacdanel: Evelyn, 2 days old
hmacdanel: Yawn!
hmacdanel: Cutie
hmacdanel: Our first evening home from the hospital
hmacdanel: Nana Anita and Great-Grandma Louise
hmacdanel: The onesie says it all!
hmacdanel: Evelyn
hmacdanel: Daddy and Evelyn
hmacdanel: Evelyn
hmacdanel: A little smile
hmacdanel: Evelyn
hmacdanel: Daddy and Evelyn
hmacdanel: Mommy and Evelyn
hmacdanel: Mommy and Evelyn
hmacdanel: 1 month old
hmacdanel: 1 month old
hmacdanel: 1 month old
hmacdanel: 1 month old
hmacdanel: Sleeping on the boppy
hmacdanel: Sleepy baby
hmacdanel: Taking a nap with Pe-paw Mark
hmacdanel: Unhappy bunny :(
hmacdanel: She loves the bear :)
hmacdanel: So cute!
hmacdanel: Two months old!
hmacdanel: More bathtime
hmacdanel: Watch out for the pirate duck!
hmacdanel: Evelyn likes her bathtub
hmacdanel: Bath time!