hlbmlp: DSCF4785
hlbmlp: DSCF4786
hlbmlp: DSCF4787
hlbmlp: DSCF4809
hlbmlp: DSCF4810
hlbmlp: DSCF4811
hlbmlp: DSCF4822
hlbmlp: DSCF4831
hlbmlp: DSCF5131
hlbmlp: DSCF5091
hlbmlp: All in a row
hlbmlp: First cast!!!!!! We also have another incomplete head, two headbacks, another pair of feet. Two pairs of hands and some failed lower legs. The black lower legs are the original. :)
hlbmlp: Hand knit sweater and socks!!!!! :3
hlbmlp: Tiny outfits for tiny dolls! Trying to figure out less bulky ways to secure closures on these tiny guys.
hlbmlp: Playing with my first whole (besides ears) cast doll!!! :)
hlbmlp: Looks like fitting is going to take a while....