hkkbs: Common reed bunting. Sävsparv. Stora Viken, Bohus.
hkkbs: Common eider with duckling. Ejder med unge. Tofta kile.
hkkbs: Blackbird, Koltrast. At home.
hkkbs: Great spotted woodpecker, Större hackspett. At home.
hkkbs: Red-breasted geese, Rödhalsade gäss, Ödmåls kile
hkkbs: White-spotted bluethroat, Swedish: Vitstjärnig blåhake. Tofta kile
hkkbs: Bronsibis. Glossy ibis. Latin: Plegadis falcinellus.
hkkbs: Tofta kile
hkkbs: Tofta kile
hkkbs: Hawfinch Swedish: Stenknäck
hkkbs: Thrush nightingale Swedish: Näktergal
hkkbs: Willow warbler Swedish: Lövsångare
hkkbs: White-spotted bluethroat, Swedish: Vitstjärnig blåhake
hkkbs: Common firecrest, Torslandaviken
hkkbs: European stonechat, Torslandaviken
hkkbs: Great Grey Owl, Swedish: Lappuggla, Holmetången, Ryd
hkkbs: Marsh tit Swedish: Entita, Frihems gammelskog, Gothenburg
hkkbs: Coal tit Swedish: Svartmes, Frihems gammelskog, Gothenburg
hkkbs: European stonechat, Swedish: Svarthakad buskskvätta Torslandaviken
hkkbs: Pine grosbeak Sweden. Swedish: Tallbit Latin: Pinicola enucleator
hkkbs: Eurasian sparrowhawk Swedish: Sparvhök Latin: Accipiter nisus
hkkbs: Juvenile Red-backed Shrike Swedish: Törnskata unge Latin: Lanius collurio
hkkbs: European green woodpecker Swedish: Gröngöling Latin: Picus viridis
hkkbs: Eurasian blackcap Swedish: Svarthätta Latin: Sylvia atricapilla
hkkbs: Song trush Swedish: Taltrast Latin: Turdus philomelos
hkkbs: Common kestrel Swedish: Tornfalk Latin: Falco tinnunculus
hkkbs: Eurasian pygmy owl
hkkbs: Common greenshank, Gluttsnäppa
hkkbs: The Great Grey Owl, juvenile bird, Swedish: Lappuggla, juvenil
hkkbs: Eurasian sparrowhawk Latin: Accipiter nisus