hkaspenberg: Tourists ...
hkaspenberg: Corpus Cristi
hkaspenberg: Corpus Cristi
hkaspenberg: Exit to back alley
hkaspenberg: The spires of Kings
hkaspenberg: Coffee house
hkaspenberg: Well worn
hkaspenberg: Tourists
hkaspenberg: Street view
hkaspenberg: Corpus Cristi
hkaspenberg: Chapel, Corpus Cristi
hkaspenberg: Fitzwilliam
hkaspenberg: Fitzwilliam
hkaspenberg: Kings parade
hkaspenberg: Killing time
hkaspenberg: Flower guy
hkaspenberg: Avoiding the dark side
hkaspenberg: Bottolfs lane? Can't remember
hkaspenberg: Not alive but still on a leach
hkaspenberg: Despite it was raining, or perhaps just so, the market was dry
hkaspenberg: Ceiling, King's College chapel
hkaspenberg: Kings College chapel
hkaspenberg: Punters passing King's
hkaspenberg: Tourists
hkaspenberg: Moored punts