JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): And in the end...it's not the years in your life that counts...it's the life in your years..................Abraham Lincolm
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): What is the good of experience if you do not reflect?
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Have a l♥vely weekend friends!!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Yesterday's sunset...wowww so BEAUTIFUL....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): ...in a "misty" Monday mood....lol.....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Growth itself contains the germ of happpiness...
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Honeyyyy...I'm hhhhhhome....!!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture happiness in yourself and in God. Think of all the beauty that's still left in and around you and be happy!!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): When a thing is done, it's done. Don't look back. Look forward to your next objective.
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): We need both the joy of the sense of sound; and the equally great joy of its absence
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Rain♫rain♫rain♪...ahahaha...♫rain♪
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Ohhhh...what a beautiful sunset
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think THANK YOU FOR 14 000 views dear friends!!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): a WoNdErFuL 2010...We are leaving for our holiday.....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): ....the sun sets...and will rise again...
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Maybe it is the end.....and a New beginning....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): In l♥ving memory of my dad....(12-12-1931...would have been his birthday♫today♪
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Have a stunningggg weekend!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): There are no such things as problems, only temporary situations without a solution
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Have a l♥veeeeeeeeely weekend!!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): The goal of life is living in agreement with nature!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): 'Energy and persistence conquer all things'
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Have a wonderful week, dear friends!!!!! ♥
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Today s sunset...wowww hey!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): Love wholeheartedly, be surprised, give thanks and praise~~then you will discover the fullness of life...
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk): This mornings sunrise!!!!