JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Just pop in to say: "HI!!!" ...I see you early next week! Enjoy your weekend!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
We are limited, but we can push back the borders of our limitations..
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
For a L♥vely Thursday ~ have a FAB day!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Everything has its wonders ~ even darkness and silence ~ I learnt that whatever state I may be in, therein to be content...
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Things never go wrong.....They just don't always happen how we would like....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Unless each day can be looked upon by individual as one in which he has had some FUN, some JOY, some real SATISFACTION, that day is a loss...
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Your greatest pleasure is that which rebounds from hearts that you have made glad EXPLORE
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Live like a snowflake; leave a mark but not a stain
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Have a L♥VeLy Tuesday!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Good, better, best...never let it rest, until your good is better than your best....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
"Accomplishment is a journey, not a destination"
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Rest in Peace........................VERY BUSY!!! Tomorrow is the funeral and I have lots of things to do....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Everyone is responsible for their own joy...
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
a BIG ♥heart♥ to you ~ from me....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
There is no security on this Earth, there is only opportunity....
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Fear not. What is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed...
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
The real secret of PATIENCE is to find something to do in the mean time
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Away for a few days on a Motorbike-trip HBW♥
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Yesterday when I woke up, I saw this in my backyard .....in the field!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong because then you will loose te ability to learn new things and move forward with your life
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Cultivate caring and generosity. Hapiness is the natural state of a loving heart!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Thanks to you all, for nearly 100 views and 70 comments, within 24 hours (om my previous pics)...for me this is the FIRST time!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
♥HBW♥ Thank you guys/girls for nearly 100 views in 24hours on this one!!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Be not afraid of life; believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact...Henry James
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Luck is a matter of preparation, meeting opportunity...Oprah Winfrey
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Have a wonderful weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!
JackySnappy (Jackie van Niekerk):
Have a beautiful day/evening!!!!!