HjordisVigfus: Look look up
HjordisVigfus: Leafs are coming
HjordisVigfus: Washing her fathers car
HjordisVigfus: Pink pink pink
HjordisVigfus: Summer is in the air
HjordisVigfus: BEST Friends
HjordisVigfus: Dancing in circles
HjordisVigfus: Being very Very careful
HjordisVigfus: HELLO there
HjordisVigfus: With the Baby bird
HjordisVigfus: Little Baby
HjordisVigfus: pink flowers
HjordisVigfus: Summer colors
HjordisVigfus: Washing in the nice weather
HjordisVigfus: Beautifull flowers
HjordisVigfus: Purple flowers