Klein Hansjoerg:
Tanzania Serengeti - Lilac-breasted Roller/Coracias caudatus
Klein Hansjoerg:
Royal Eagle eating an antilope
Klein Hansjoerg:
Klein Hansjoerg:
Sierra Leone - Chamaeleon in green
Klein Hansjoerg:
Poisson Fossil - Fish-fossil found in Ban Ban - Laos
Klein Hansjoerg:
Fish-fossil found in Ban Ban - Laos
Klein Hansjoerg:
negative and positive Fish-fossil found in Ban Ban - Laos
Klein Hansjoerg:
96-Flamingos in N'Gorongoro-Tanzania
Klein Hansjoerg:
96 Tanzania - N'Gorogngoro crater
Klein Hansjoerg:
96 Tanzania - N'Gorogngoro crater
Klein Hansjoerg:
96 Tanzania - N'Gorogngoro crater
Klein Hansjoerg:
03-Goelands on the island of Port Cros - France
Klein Hansjoerg:
03-Goeland at the island of Port Cros - France
Klein Hansjoerg:
03-Goelands on gthe island of Port Cros - France
Klein Hansjoerg:
03-Goelands on the island of Port Cros - France
Klein Hansjoerg:
03-Goeland on the island of Port Cros - France
Klein Hansjoerg:
France-Péron-The Neighbours dog loves the snow
Klein Hansjoerg:
The castle is well garded
Klein Hansjoerg:
Butterfly drinking
Klein Hansjoerg:
Butterfly drinking
Klein Hansjoerg:
89-Kho Phi Phi - Thailand
Klein Hansjoerg:
89-Kho Phi Phi - Thailand
Klein Hansjoerg:
89-Kho Phi Phi - Thailand
Klein Hansjoerg:
Horse nose at Edith's place
Klein Hansjoerg:
Horse of Edith in Villevieille
Klein Hansjoerg:
95-Horses in the back of our Farmhouse - Péron
Klein Hansjoerg:
95-Horses in the back of our Farmhouse - Péron
Klein Hansjoerg:
95-Horses in the back of our Farmhouse - Péron
Klein Hansjoerg:
95-Horses in the back of our Farmhouse - Péron
Klein Hansjoerg: