hjallig: They've got themselves a sizable forrest
hjallig: Navigating in the jungle
hjallig: The pier at Kapawi lodge
hjallig: Amazonian butterfly up-close
hjallig: Colorful flapping
hjallig: A beautiful butterfly in the jungle
hjallig: Grass hopper
hjallig: A monkey looking at us
hjallig: Parrots in a clay-lick
hjallig: Makau parrots
hjallig: It's a dense forrest
hjallig: Red flower in the Amazon
hjallig: Daddy longlegs
hjallig: Yellow tree frog
hjallig: Dinner is served in banana leaf
hjallig: Stick insect
hjallig: A smiley face on a spider
hjallig: A startled tree frog
hjallig: Tiny beetle in a big jungle
hjallig: A tucan in the canope
hjallig: In Quito
hjallig: Welcome to the Galapagos
hjallig: A bundle of sea iguanas
hjallig: Cacti on South Plaza
hjallig: Gliding
hjallig: Happy iguana
hjallig: Here be dragons
hjallig: Stop: Bird
hjallig: Yeah, you go - I'll stay here
hjallig: Land iguana on South Plaza