Globalviewfinder: Imperial Sirs (Americans) We have absolutely no fear of you!
Globalviewfinder: Cuban flag, along the Malecon, Havana.
Globalviewfinder: Cuban Propaganda, this one says "Revolution, in every neighborhood"
Globalviewfinder: Along the Malecon in Havana
Globalviewfinder: Malecon Havana
Globalviewfinder: 1950s Classics, a common sight on Cuban streets
Globalviewfinder: Sugar Ministry
Globalviewfinder: Monument to the Revolution, directly opposite the 'US Interests Section.'
Globalviewfinder: View of Havana skyline from the Hotel Ambos Mundos, one of Hemmingway's favourite places for a drink.
Globalviewfinder: View of Havana skyline from the Hotel Ambos Mundos, one of Hemmingway's favourite places for a drink.
Globalviewfinder: Havana nights
Globalviewfinder: Havana Harbour fort by night
Globalviewfinder: Another 'Classico' with the Congresso in the background.
Globalviewfinder: Image of El Che which dominates the Plaza de la Revolucion
Globalviewfinder: Jose Marti memorial, Plaza de la Revolucion, Havana
Globalviewfinder: Plaza de la Revolucion. Where Castro delivered most of his big speeches.
Globalviewfinder: Boy fishing at sunset along the Malecon.
Globalviewfinder: Another Classico, Santiago de Cuba.
Globalviewfinder: Anyone for roast pork?
Globalviewfinder: Small fishing village near Baracoa, in the far east of Cuba.
Globalviewfinder: Fight and work, our commitment to Fidel.
Globalviewfinder: More propaganda, this one is Fidel's definition of the Revolution.
Globalviewfinder: Baracoa, the flat bit of land in the distance is actually the end of an airport runway.
Globalviewfinder: Guantanamo
Globalviewfinder: Camagûey. With the ubiquitous picture of Che.
Globalviewfinder: Colonial Camaguey
Globalviewfinder: Colonial Camaguey