kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains before Improvement
kawwsu29: River View
kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains Raising
kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains Installation
kawwsu29: Fastening the Keeper of the Plains
kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains again on its perch
kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains2
kawwsu29: Pathway to the Keeper
kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains
kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains
kawwsu29: Keeper at Dusk
kawwsu29: Detail
kawwsu29: Closed
kawwsu29: Pathway
kawwsu29: P3287179
kawwsu29: Skyline
kawwsu29: Keeper
kawwsu29: Keeper
kawwsu29: P3287191
kawwsu29: Back
kawwsu29: Keeper
kawwsu29: Keeper
kawwsu29: Keeper of the Plains
kawwsu29: Bridge Support