ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - The Love Song
ahisgett: John Everett Millais - Bride of Lammermoor 1878
ahisgett: Llandaff Cathedral Pre-Raphaelite Stained Glass
ahisgett: Simeon Solomon - Bacchus 1867
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Pygmalion and the Image The Soul Attains 1878
ahisgett: John Everett Millais - Portrait of Mary Endicott, Mrs Joseph Chamberlain 1891
ahisgett: Arthur Hughes - April Love 1855-6
ahisgett: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Sancta Lilias 1874
ahisgett: John Everett Millais - Ophelia 1851-2
ahisgett: John Everett Millais - Mariana 1851
ahisgett: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The Annunciation 1849-50
ahisgett: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Dantis Amor 1860
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - The Golden Stairs 1880
ahisgett: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The Beloved 1865-6
ahisgett: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Beata Beatrix 1864-70
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Vespertina Quies 1893
ahisgett: John William Waterhouse - The Lady of Shalott 1888
ahisgett: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Woman in Yellow 1863
ahisgett: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Proserpine 1874
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Desiderium 1873
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Woman 1883
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Study of Perseus for ‘The Call of Perseus’ 1877
ahisgett: William Holman Hunt - Portrait of Mrs Edith Holman Hunt 1880
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Sketch of Two Seated Figures for ‘The Backgammon Players’ 1861
ahisgett: Birmingham St Philip's Cathedral Stained Glass
ahisgett: Birmingham St Philip's Cathedral Stained Glass 2
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Study for The Garden Court 6
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Study for The Garden Court 2
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Study for The Garden Court 3
ahisgett: Edward Burne-Jones - Study for The Garden Court 5